- real people. real faith. -
What We Believe
About God:
There is only one sovereign, triune God: He is Father, Son (Jesus Christ) and Holy Spirit.
About the Bible:
The Holy Bible is the inerrant, inspired Word of God.
About Sin and Salvation:
All people have sinned and need redemption; salvation is found only through faith in the Blood of Jesus, and redemption comes through repentance.
About Baptism:
Baptism was commanded by Jesus, and is an outward symbol of our starting a new life with Him.
About Communion:
Communion was established by Jesus as an ordinance representing His death and life, reminding us of the hope and healing that is in Jesus Christ.
About Church:
Jesus will come again for those whose faith is in Him.
The Church is comprised of all who confess that Jesus’ blood holds the redemptive power for their sin, and that Jesus Christ is the Lord of their lives.